Thursday, January 20, 2011

Question #5 on Page 1119

The main theme I see in Othello is jealousy. Right off the bat Iago is jealous of Cassio. He wants his position as Othello's right hand man (I.i.11). He manipulates the other characters to try to get revenge on Othello (II.iii.320-325). Jealousy can also be seen in Rodrigo. He is jealous of Othello (I.i.97-98). He has tried many times to seek Desdemona's hand but her father has always refused. But this foreigner Othello is her new husband. He took her without her father's consent which also showed that he had more courage than Rodrigo ever did. These jealous emotions deepen the characters' developments and make the viewing of the play more enjoyable and relate able. Shakespeare does an excellent job of presenting important human concerns. Jealousy is one of the most common human emotions and it is very relate able.

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