Monday, February 28, 2011

#3 Pg. 1119: Death of a Salesman

The protagonist of the story is Willy. The plot revolves around him and everyone that the play involves seem to act because of Willy and his emotions and actions. More than one character could be considered the antagonist. Willy himself fits this role because many of his issues are in his own head or of his own doing (the affair). However, Biff also fits this role because much of the pain and regret Willy feels because of his affair is driven by the fact that Biff found out and lost all respect for him. Biff has grown up to be very similar to his father. He exaggerates and manipulates reality just as Willy did. The best example of this was his interaction with Oliver. However, in a way, Biff is a foil character to Willy because he realizes these tendencies and decides to change things. He moves away and decides to start fresh.

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