Thursday, September 9, 2010


I think my favorite poem out of the ones we read was The Widow's Lament in Springtime by William Carlos Williams. Originally it was my favorite because it seemed like an easy read compared to the others. I immediately understood that it seemed to be about a widow who was reminded of her deceased husband during Spring. However, when I studied it a little more, I realized it went deeper than that. Not only was she grieving for her husband but she also wanted to join him.
I primarily saw this in the last four lines of the poem:

"I feel that I would like
to go there
and fall into those flowers
and sink into the marsh near them."

I found this to be a symbol of death. A repeated theme throughout the poem is flowers. They are one of the biggest reminder of the speaker's deceased husband. I think they represent his death specifically. By saying she wants to fall into these flowers, she implies that she wants to die herself so she can be reunited with her husband.

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