Thursday, April 21, 2011


"My heart was fashioned to be susceptible of love and sympathy, and when wrenched by misery to vice and hatred, it did not endure the violence of the change without torture such as you cannot imagine." page 208

I believe that this is one of the most important passages in the book. I've been trying to decide if the protagonist is the monster or Victor. This passage finally made me decide the monster. I believe that deep down he is good. However, his hubris is susceptibility to the poison of the violent world into which he was created. He is a gentle and kind creature until humanity exposes him to hate and rejection. He moves the action forward by his demand of a mate and his numerous murders. This makes him sound bad, but this is the influence that the outside world had on him. It was a constant battle between the good and evil inside of him. He mourned every time he murdered and he even mourned his hated creator. That is true humanity.

Well, That's Depressing

"He could not live under the horrors that were accumulated around him; the springs of existence suddenly gave way; he was unable to rise from his bed, and in a few days he died in my arms." Pg. 188

I am really depressed right now. I keep going back and forth between feeling bad for the monster and feeling bad for Victor. Right now it's Victor. He has lost everything. I think it is interesting that the monster has been the one to take it all. After all, Victor is the creator. I would think that he would be the one who would have power over his creation. However, his ambition was so great, that he created something that was stronger and greater than he himself was. I would think that with this knowledge he would have been more prepared and seen Elizabeth's death coming. After all, the monster has never sought to take his life, simply those around him. He doesn't want his creator dead, he wants him to suffer as he himself has had to suffer.


"But he found that a traveller's life is one that includes much pain amidst its enjoyments." pg 154

This line really caught my attention. Victor is speaking about Henry but my thoughts quickly jumped to Walton. It seems like this phrase seems to define him. He, a traveller, felt completely along and friendless. The reader can assume by the mood of his letters to Margaret that he is homesick. Yes, he was enthusiastic about the expedition and the hopeful end result. However, it was the journey to this end result that he has a great deal of difficulty with. I just found this passage interesting because it connects two people in Victor's life who are very different from one another in most ways.


"Suddenly, as I gazed on him, an idea seized me that this little creature was unprejudiced and had lived too short a time to have imbibed a horror of deformity. If, therefore, I could seize him and educate him as my companion and friend, I should not be so desolate in this people earth." page 136

When I started reading this book, I had no idea that I would like the monster. I assumed that I would react in a similar way as the other characters do, in disgust. The whole idea of this type of creature is weird to me. But it is interesting how much this book teaches the reader about humanity. The monster is simply trying to be human. He wants companionship and love. However, he has also been poisoned by the evil of humanity. His knowledge of violence changes his perception of the world as does the rejection that he constantly faces. He never wanted to become a monster, but that is what the world made him.

Foil Characters

"My days were spent in close attention, that I might more speedily master the language; and I may boast that I improved more rapidly than the Arabian, who understood very little and conversed in broken accents, whilst I comprehended and could imitate almost every word that was spoken." Page 113

This passage is one of many that illustrate how Safie is a foil to the monster. The monster learns much faster than she does. However, she also foils him in look and demeanor. The family loves Safie and describes the beauty of both her outward appearance and her voice. The monster himself sees her beauty. To summarize, her grace charms them. The monster does the opposite. When seen by humans, they run and hide in fear. Early on when he tries to speak, he is surprised by the horrid sounds he makes. And lastly when he sees his reflection, he is appalled. Safie is a gentle and graceful creature and brings joy into people's lives while the monster feels, and is, unwanted.

Thursday, April 14, 2011


"I found that these people possessed a method of communicating their experience and feelings to one another by articulate sounds. I perceived that the words they spoke sometimes produced pleasure or pain, smiles or sadness, in the minds and countenances of the hearers." Pg 106 Since the creature came back into the story, he has surprised me with his eloquence. I have always imagined Frankenstein's monster as dumb and inarticulate. However, Shelley's eloquent and flowing style is not interrupted by his speech. This specific passage really surprised me. The fact that he could teach himself to speak simply by observing is neighbors is amazing to me. And he not only speaks, he speaks very well. His grammar is flawless and his vocabulary is vast. Frankenstein had no idea what he had created. Earlier on in the chapter, the creature describes when he discovered that he was ugly. This really surprised me. It makes the creature almost seem human.


"...solitude was my only consolation-deep, dark, deathlike solitude." pg 86 I found this statement very intriguing. Victor is a truly strange man. I don't understand why darkness and despair would help his situation. Things are already bad enough. Why does he get comfort from more depression. It seems like an odd emotional state that I can't even begin to imagine or comprehend. He is truly desperate and depressed if deeper darkness is his only comfort. It's not like it is his only option. He has a great family who is there for him and going through the same thing. I would think that he would turn to them.


"I had gazed on him while unfinished; he was ugly then, but when those muscles and joins were rendered capable of motion, it became a thing such as even Dante could not have conceived." pg 57 This allusion to the writer Dante interested me greatly. It was an intriguing way to portray the immense severity of what he had done. It didn't really even belong in hell according to him. This whole scene interested me. It totally caught me off guard when he rejected the creature. It was his whole life. But then he saw what is life had turned into. By using the Dante allusion, he shows clearly how disgusted he is with his actions. I think his disgust should be placed more on his own life and obsessive nature than on the creature that was simply a result.

Point of View

"I am by birth a Genevese, and my family is one of the most distinguished of that republic." pg. 31 I thought this change in point of view was a very strategic choice. The letters at the beginning of the novel did not draw the audience in very much in my opinion. The reader does not feel as though they are the audience. The audience is obviously Margaret and the reader does not always fully comprehend what Walton is talking about. However, when Victor begins, the first person point of view treats the reader as the intended audience even though this is not really so. Regardless, it effectively draws the audience in and makes them feel as though they are part of the story. The insight into his thoughts and feelings makes the reader feel connected to him more fully. It makes the story much more dramatic.


"We perceived a low carriage, fixed on a sledge and drawn by dogs, pass on towards the north, at the distance of half a mile; a being which had the shape of a man, but apparently of gigantic stature, sat in the sledge and guided the dogs." pg.23 This short glimpse of a creature sets up two different events. It sets up the arrival of Victor onto the boat and a connection is drawn between the two figures. It also foreshadows the creation story that Victor recounts to Walton. A reader is able to make a connection between his appearance during the beginning to the point in which he is created. The knowledge that Victor ends up chasing him in the North Pole leaves the reader in suspense. The want to continue to read on to find out how this strange circumstance occurs. It gives the reader just enough information to be gripped with curiosity. It is a great way to dramatize the story and draw the reader into the story.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Finally Matured

"'For you, a thousand times over,' I heard myself say." -Page 371 I felt as though by at the end of the book Amir had finally matured. To be honest, I didn't really like him through most of the book. He seemed cowardly and self centered. He only returned some loyalty to Hassan when his friend was dead. I feel as though he finally forgave himself at the end. He became dedicated to giving Sohrab the best life he could possibly offer. It really got to me when he repeated the line that Hassan had once said to him and Farid had repeated causing Amir to break down. He was finally getting over what had happened in the past and he was on the way to giving himself, as well as Sohrab, a better life and future.

Painful Memories

"'For you a thousand times over,' Farid said." -Pg 305 This passage really stuck with me. However, it confused me too. I really felt bad for Amir during this scene. He had been through an emotional roller coaster in the past few weeks. He had learned that his childhood friend, who was really his brother, was dead and he was now responsible for his son. He was physically exhausted from his confrontation with Assef. This scene was when he finally lost it and broke down. It surprised me that Farid said this however. It doesn't seem like a common phrase, but maybe it is in Afghanistan.


"'Good, I'll tell you,' he said... I knew that had been a message from God: He was on my side. He wanted me to live for a reason." -Pg 284 Assef gives a brief anecdote to explain his conversion and his new belief in God. He was a cruel boy who found no purpose for God but he finds in his darkest hour the confidence that God had a purpose for him. I personally think this story shows his arrogance. First off, he tells this long winded story even though Amir didn't really want to hear it. I think he just wanted to hear himself talk. Also, I think it's conceited to think that God chose him to kill others simply because they were different.

Changed Point of View

"There were a lot of reasons why I went to Hazarajat to find Hassan in 1986."-Pg 201 The point of view is changed, but only in chapter sixteen. I was really confused when I first started reading it. I had to reread the first page numerous times before I understood that Rahim Khan was now narrating instead of Amir. I didn't understand the purpose at first. Once I finished the dramatic chapter I realized that the reason was to emphasize this drama. It put the audience in the position of Amir as he sat and listened to Rahim's story. It made the reality of Hassan's life and death more vivid. It helped the audience understand the change in Afghanistan which had occurred since Amir left.

Direct Characterization of the General

"The general's frailty-and time-had softened things between him and Soraya...He'd sit in the back of the room, dressed in his shiny old gray suit, wooden cane across his lap, smiling. Sometimes he even took notes."-Page 193 I found it interesting that Hosseini used direct characterization to show the change in the general's personality. He states as a fact that Soraya's relationship with her father has gotten better. I feel as though usually author's show change in a dynamic character gradually. However, Hosseini comes right out and says that the general has changed dramatically. He has done a complete 180 by supporting Soraya's career. Illness has obviously made him more sensitive. He now shows his love for his family and is living his life to the fullest.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


"Saifo was a nearly blind old man who was a moochi by profession-a shoe repairman." Pg 51
When reading The Sun also Rises, I was constantly confused because Hemingway used French words but did not explain their meaning. Hosseini also uses foreign words but he always explains afterward. This is helpful for readers who are not accustomed to Afghan culture. I think that it helps the reader get more into the setting and into Amir's world. However, it does not leave them confused. His choice of foreign words to use is interesting because it is usually a random word that didn't really need to be used. Nonetheless, it again helps the reader connect more. It also educates them on a culture that they are unfamiliar with for the most part.


"In one of those brief bursts of light, I saw something I'll never forget: Hassan serving drinks to Assef and Wali from a silver platter. The light winked out, a hiss and a crackle, then another flicker of orange light: Assef grinning, kneading Hassan in the chest with a knuckle." Pg 100
Throughout the book, I have found Hassan to be an extremely strong person. He is loyal to Amir regardless of the way he treats him in return. Even when Assef rapes him, he does not fight back. He doesn't want to give Assef the satisfaction of seeing his pain. But the scene quoted above was just too much for me. After all he has suffered, he is still tormented and his 'friend' Amir once again does nothing. There is not a doubt that his strength is unique and admirable.

Baba as a Dynamic Character

"Besides, I didn't bring us here for me, did I?" pg. 130
The Baba of America is a changed man. When Amir was young, he hardly ever showed him affection. However, here in America, everything Baba does is for Amir. Baba left his home to give Amir a better life. He is a lowly gas station clerk because it will give his son a better future. This is a huge shift from the beginning of the story. In addition, even when he was practically on his death bed, he helped Amir get married by performing the customs that were expected of a father. This endless love for Amir was not always present and it was a huge change in his character.

Baba and Ali: Foil characters

"But mostly because Ali was immune to the insults of his assailants; he had found his joy, his antidote, the moment Sanaubar had given birth to Hassan." pg 10
I found it interesting that when Ali and Hassan leave Baba says that Ali was like the brother he never had. This close bond surprised me. They were complete opposites. The above passage shows this. Hassan is Ali's whole world however Amir has to really try to get Baba's attention and love. Another way they are different is their religious beliefs. Ali has memorized the Koran while Baba denies that God exists. Also their life styles are very different. Baba is rich and comfortable while Ali is a poor servant. These two different men may be opposites but the things they have been through together formed an unbreakable bond between them.

Amir the antihero

"I suspected there were many ways in which Soraya Taheri was a better person than me. Courage was just one of them." -Page 165
Amir is the perfect example of an antihero. He is the central character but he is constantly failing morally and in terms of courage. It started as a child when he failed to stand up for Hassan. This occurred when Hassan was raped but at other times as well. He then turns to lies to fix the situation. He gets rid of Hassan so that his presence and loyalty cannot aggravate his guilt any longer. He then does not have the courage to tell his own fiance the truth. She attempts to build their relationship on truth and honesty but he is too ashamed to share his past with her.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Reading vs. Watching

I think this is definitely one of those plays that it would be better to watch it than to simply read the script. This is mainly because of the flashbacks that Willy experiences. It was hard to discern at times what was in the present day and what was a memory. The most confusing memory in my opinion was the first one of The Woman. It speaks of her and says she is laughing as Willy talks to his wife Linda. When I first read it I was quite confused. Why didn't Linda have a problem with this other woman being there. It seemed odd until I really understood what was going on. I think watching a stage production would make the plot much more understandable.

#5 pg 1119: Death of a Salesman

I think the main theme in Death of a Salesman is the idea that our past shapes us into the individual we will be for the rest of our lives. This is shown through the character of Biff. He may not like his father, but because of the environment he was raised in, he will always have little characteristics that he got from his father. This is shown theatrically through Willy's interaction with the ghosts of his memories. He still thinks about his past often. The main thing he thinks about seems to be what his life would be like if he had done things differently.

#3 Pg. 1119: Death of a Salesman

The protagonist of the story is Willy. The plot revolves around him and everyone that the play involves seem to act because of Willy and his emotions and actions. More than one character could be considered the antagonist. Willy himself fits this role because many of his issues are in his own head or of his own doing (the affair). However, Biff also fits this role because much of the pain and regret Willy feels because of his affair is driven by the fact that Biff found out and lost all respect for him. Biff has grown up to be very similar to his father. He exaggerates and manipulates reality just as Willy did. The best example of this was his interaction with Oliver. However, in a way, Biff is a foil character to Willy because he realizes these tendencies and decides to change things. He moves away and decides to start fresh.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


We talked a lot about Laura's disability in class, but I'm still confused. It says that one leg is longer than the other but that doesn't seem like a huge deal to me. She still walks for hours upon hours each day. However, her condition is bad enough that it forces her to wear a brace. So I don't know quite what to make of her. Is this injury barely noticeable, and it that case why do they all make such a big deal about it? And if it is a serious injury, why does she put herself in pain each day by walking around on it? It would be easier to simply tell her mom that she dropped out of school.

#2 Pg. 1119

I've only read the first five scenes, but I would definitely call this play a tragedy. The members of this family all seem to be living pretty tragic lives. They are unhappy and don't get along very well for the most part. They have lived with abandonment and financial difficulties. Amanda is so scarred by her failed marriage that she makes her children miserable as well. Tom and Laura are at an age where they should be living their own lives but they are stuck. Laura is held back by her shyness and disability. Tom is held back by his responsibilities to his family and job.

#3 Pg. 1119

I actually think that the main antagonist in the play is not even a character. It is the father who abandoned this family years before. The Amanda pushes her children in certain ways because of her experiences with their father. She pushes Tom to not become his father and she pushes Laura to marry someone who is not like her father. So Amanda is also an antagonist. Tom fits the role of protagonist the best. He is the one working for the family and doing his mothers bidding by finding a gentleman caller for Laura. I feel as though Amanda and Laura are foil characters. Amanda is demanding and loud while Laura is delicate and quite. This foil brings out both of their characteristics and makes their confrontations more dramatic.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Emilia is an interesting character. She confuses me a little bit in the third scene of the fourth act. I don't know what to think of her. She seemed trustworthy. Up until this point I had given her the benefit of the doubt and decided that she had not slept with Othello. However, in this scene, she tells Desdemona that she can understand why a woman would cheat on her husband. Is this how she admits that she slept with Othello?! Because that's what it seemed like to me.

#2 Pg. 1119

I think this play is definitely a tragedy. If you don't include Iago, it seems as though every one's lives are going horribly. There is war involved, love, both unrequited and mutual, but anything good such as love seems to get messed up. However there is one aspect of tragedies that I have not noticed in Othello. No one is dead yet. This is odd, especially for Shakespearean work. Surely someone will die soon, right?

#3 Pg. 1119

I feel as though the antagonist of the play is definitely Iago. He causes all this action for the rest of the characters through his manipulation and he keeps the story suspenseful. However, identifying the protagonist is a little harder. The options I'm considering are Cassio, Desdemona, and Othello. These three seem to be the ones that are most impacted by his manipulation. Two foil characters are Iago and Cassio. They are opposite in the way that they treat women (II.i.99). Three of the minor characters who help to push the action forward are Bianca, Emilia, and Roderigo. Bianca and Emilia are involved in the handkerchief situation and Roderigo is on a mission to kill Cassio with the help of Iago.

Thursday, January 20, 2011


The character of Desdemona intrigues me. As I finish the second act, I'm not sure if I like her or not. This is mainly because I don't know if what Iago says about her is true. He lies to the other characters, why not lie to the audience too? He claims that she is in love with Cassio (II.i.212). I thought she seemed to be true and loyal to Othello but Iago claims differently. It seems like everyone is in love with her; Othello, Rodrigo, Cassio, and maybe even Iago himself. But her father seems reluctant to agree on a suitor (I.i.97-98). I really want her opinion on everything so that I can form an opinion on her.

Question #4 Page 1119

Suspense is created primarily by Iago. I noticed this mainly in the second act. He is constantly scheming and manipulating the other characters. After each manipulation, he explains to the audience what he did and why (II.iii.301-326). The audience knows what is supposed to happen but the other characters' free will could mess everything up. This keeps the audience in a state of suspense over whether or not Iago's scheme will work. The ignorance of the characters adds to the suspense because they all trust honest Iago (II.ii.300). The betrayal and manipulate by Iago makes the story more dramatic and enjoyable for the audience.

Question #5 on Page 1119

The main theme I see in Othello is jealousy. Right off the bat Iago is jealous of Cassio. He wants his position as Othello's right hand man (I.i.11). He manipulates the other characters to try to get revenge on Othello (II.iii.320-325). Jealousy can also be seen in Rodrigo. He is jealous of Othello (I.i.97-98). He has tried many times to seek Desdemona's hand but her father has always refused. But this foreigner Othello is her new husband. He took her without her father's consent which also showed that he had more courage than Rodrigo ever did. These jealous emotions deepen the characters' developments and make the viewing of the play more enjoyable and relate able. Shakespeare does an excellent job of presenting important human concerns. Jealousy is one of the most common human emotions and it is very relate able.