Friday, July 9, 2010

A Distant World

"'Billie's picture. I had it all wrapped up, I had it in plastic, so it'll be okay if I can... Last night we were looking at it, me and Kiowa. Right here. I know for sure it's right here somewhere.' Jimmy Cross smiled at the boy. 'You can ask her for another one. A better one.' 'She won't send another one. She's not even my girl anymore, she won't... Man, I got to find it.'" Page 165

I think this passage really shows the desperate morale of the men. This young soldier was extremely desperate to find this picture of his old girlfriend. It surprised me at first. I wondered why he couldn't just let her go. But then I realized it wasn't a picture he was desperate to find. He was really searching for his connection to the outside world. He could not let go of that world and who he was in it. The war may have seemed distant to those left at home, but those fighting felt even more out of touch.

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