"And then the letter gets very sad and serious. Rat pours his heart out. He says he loved the guy. He says the guy was his best friend in the world. They were like soul mates, he says, like twins or something, they had a whole lot in common. He tells the guy's sister he'll look her up when the war's over. So what happens? Rat mails the letter. He waits two months. The dumb cooze never writes back." Page 65
This part was pretty depressing. I think the writer was showing that the tragedies of the war hit those involved much harder than the ones back home. I was really surprised that the sister never responded to Rat's letter. Not only was he a connection to her brother but he was also desperate. He wanted a connection to his best friend. He was reaching out and he got no response at all. These kind of situations probably did nothing to help the soldiers' morale. This distant war was only a reality to those called to serve.
it further distances the soldiers from those back home.