Tuesday, August 10, 2010

First tongues, now ears?

"Romero took the ear from his brother and held it up toward the President. The President bowed and Romero, running to get ahead of the crowd, came toward us. He leaned up against the barrera and gave the ear to Brett. He nodded his head and smiled. The crowd were all about him. Brett held down the cape." Page 224

This passage wasn't quite as bad as the tongue necklace in 'The Things They Carried' but it was close. I do not understand at all what would cause a person to consider a bull ear as a good gift. It's just gross!!! I'll admit that I'm not a fan of the idea of bull fighting in general. However, keeping body parts as a souvenir just seems morbid to me. I know that to an extent it's just a cultural difference, but it's just too gross for me. If I was Brett, I don't think I would have even been able to take it. I don't know if Romero thought he was being romantic but he was not. Not at all.


  1. I agree...I know it's a cultural thing and it means a lot for someone to give you the bull's ear...but honestly...that's gross

  2. maybe it's like a lucky rabbit's foot?!
