Friday, August 6, 2010


"I had picked her up because of a vague sentimental idea that it would be nice to eat with some one. It was a long time since I had dined with a poule, and I had forgotten how dull it could be." Page 24

Jake's motivation for asking Georgette to dinner interested me. To be blunt, in my opinion, when a guy picks up a harlot it isn't usually just for dinner. I was very curious about the fact that he just wanted some company for dinner. It made me ask a lot of questions about him. Did he just get out of a relationship and he was having trouble adjusting to being alone? Why didn't he just go eat with one of his other friends like Robert? It seemed weird that when he was solely looking for a bit of company, he chose a complete stranger.
I think Hemingway was trying to show some of Jake's personality traits. Jake, like most people wants company and companionship. Although, he does not seem to care too much about the quality. I kind of thought this while he was describing Robert. For a guy that he thought of as a close friend, he didn't seem to think very highly of him.

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