Friday, August 6, 2010


" 'The Englishmen all have Saturday off,' Woolsey said.
'Lucky beggars,' said Krum." Page 44

Originally I found the characters' contempt for the English very interesting. However then I remembered a passage on page 39 where Jake states that all foreigners were called Englishmen by some. This made the oxymoron 'lucky beggars' a little less confusing. They were lucky for the obvious reasons: they got Saturdays off. But Woolsey calls them beggars to show his contempt for them. He uses it as a derogatory term. I found this oxymoron very interesting. Woolsey felt contempt for them but at the same time he envied them.
However, I was confused as to why Woolsey made this statement while in Jake's presence. Jake himself is a foreigner or an 'Englishman'. Would that not in a way be an insult to him? It seemed odd to me.

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