Sunday, August 8, 2010

No more French please!

" After the coffee and a fine we got the bill, chalked up the same as ever on a slate, that was doubtless one of the 'quaint' features, paid it, shook hands, and went out." Page 82

I do not speak French. So Hemingway's habit of randomly throwing a French word or two into a paragraph is not appreciated. In fact, I find it quite frustrating. I constantly have to either guess using context clues or look it up. For instance fine is a type of liqueur. I had originally guessed that it maybe meant dessert. I'm sure many who read this novel don't necessarily look the words up. The random French words could potentially make parts of this novel extremely confusing. I think they are extremely unnecessary.

1 comment:

  1. why do you think he does this? he could have easily translated.
