Tuesday, August 10, 2010


"Just then Montoya came into the room. He started to smile at me, then he saw Pedro Romero with a big glass of cognac in his hand, sitting laughing between me and a woman with bare shoulders, at a table full of drunks. He did not even nod." Pages 180 and 181

This passage about Montoya intrigued me a lot. He seems to me to be very judgemental and old fashioned. I think you have to do a lot to earn his approval. He has a great deal of respect for Jake simply because of his true love for bull fighting. However, when Jake claims that Bill has the same love Montoya is slow to believe this. He seems very close-minded. It surprised me that an incident as simple as this could completely break down all the respect he had for Jake. I don't think it is far for him to judge so quickly. After all, Jake is from a very different culture. Montoya should be more open and not so conservative.

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